About Me

Other authors I love, and who inspire my writing, are (in no particular order) Honor Raconteur, Ilona Andrews, RJ Blain, Glen Cook, Mercedes Lackey, and Michelle Sagara. I unabashedly like heroes a reader can cheer for without feeling guilty, and teams that squabble among themselves but have each others' backs when the chips are down. Also, snarky magical creatures (who doesn't love those?).
What's not my personal cup of herbal tea: stories where it's hard to tell the heroes from the villains, and none of the characters are folks I would want on my trivia team. (Sorry, but I'm looking at you, George R.R. Martin. I just couldn't make it through Game of Thrones—either the book or the TV series—because I hated all the characters, even though the writing was amazing.)
I confess to being a serial enthusiast. Past and present ventures include trivia competitions, horseback riding, martial arts, dog training, volleyball, wood carving, and more arts and crafts than you can shake a glue stick at. Some of that turns out to be useful for writing fantasy, some of it doesn't (at least, not yet). Currently I'm building a medieval village out of Lego bricks.

I was born in Southern California and still live there with my husband and various fur children—most notably, at present, Koda the Chaos Poodle. In my first career, I was a software developer, IT manager and database architect in the healthcare and aerospace industries. I'm especially proud of supporting the C-17 Globemaster military cargo plane program for many years. Working closely with the US military helped me appreciate the challenges of being a warrior in any age.
I hope you enjoy my Tales from the City of Magic. The next book is in the works! Never stop reading.
—Susan Ann Walker