Let's try this again...
09/10/24 15:28 Filed in: General

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
So… I’m one of the roughly a zillion people who had great intentions to start a blog and never got beyond that first post. Until now! Book 3 in my Tales From the City of Magic series is finally released and plotting for book 4 is well underway, so this seemed like a good time to circle back to this blog thing and see if I can actually make it happen.
(Insert shameless plug here: To see what I’ve been doing lately instead of blogging, check out The Sorcerer and the Necromancer: A Tale From the City of Magic on Amazon.)
The new plan going forward (since it’s fairly useless to make a plan going backward) is to feature mostly mini-reviews of books I’ve been reading, in the hope of steering some of my fellow readers to new favorites. As a longtime Kindle Unlimited subscriber, I constantly struggle with the classic First World Problem of overchoice: too many books and not enough time. I greatly appreciate all the tireless book bloggers who help me find a way through the thicket, and I want to do my part.
The tiny slice of the literary world I’ve decided to carve out for my reviewing efforts looks like this:
- Mostly fantasy (since I’m a fantasy author, duh) but there might be the odd sci-fi or cozy mystery just to mix things up.
- Mostly Kindle Unlimited because KU saved me from turning to a life of crime to support my reading habit.
- Mostly lesser-known indie authors because we need to support each other, I love discovering hidden gems, and no one really needs my help to find out about the latest from Brandon Sanderson or Sarah J. Moss.
In between the book reviews, there may be occasional posts with factoids about the fantasy genre or interesting tidbits I find while researching a book. You never know!
Never stop reading—or blogging.